Join us on Monday, October 7th, 2024 for the 33rd Annual Golf Classic with the Cleary Foundation for the Deaf! Please fill out the below form to sign up!
Attendee Information
First Name
Last Name
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
Preferred Contact Method
Golfing Sponsorship or Non-Golfing Sponsorship?
What Package did you want to sign up for?
Golfing Sponsorship Package
Non-Golfing Sponsorship Package
Golfing Sponsorship List
I would like to set my Golfing Sponsorship level at:
Gold Sponsor ($15,000)
Tournament Sponsor ($13,000)
Tournament Underwriter ($7,500)
Closest-To-The-Pin Sponsor ($3,500)
Corporate Golf Package ($2500)
Individual Golfer ($625)
I would like to add another golfer!
Golfing Sponsorship List (2nd Person)
I would like to set my Golfing Sponsorship level at (2nd Person):
Gold Sponsor ($15,000)
Tournament Sponsor ($13,000)
Tournament Underwriter ($7,500)
Closest-To-The-Pin Sponsor ($3,500)
Corporate Golf Package ($2,500)
Individual Golfer ($625)
I would like to add another golfer!
Second Golfer's Name:
Second Golfer's Email Address
Second Golfer's Phone Number:
Golfing Sponsorship List (3rd Person)
I would like to set my Golfing Sponsorship level at (3rd Person):
Gold Sponsor ($15,000)
Tournament Sponsor ($13,000)
Tournament Underwriter ($7,500)
Closest-To-The-Pin Sponsor ($3,500)
Corporate Golf Package ($2,500)
Individual Golfer ($625)
I would like to add another golfer!
Third Golfer's Name:
Third Golfer's Email Address
Third Golfer's Phone Number:
Golfing Sponsorship List (4th Person)
I would like to set my Golfing Sponsorship level at (4th Person):
Gold Sponsor ($15,000)
Tournament Sponsor ($13,000)
Tournament Underwriter ($7,500)
Closest-To-The-Pin Sponsor ($3,500)
Corporate Golf Package ($2,500)
Individual Golfer ($625)
Fourth Golfer's Name:
Fourth Golfer's Email Address
Fourth Golfer's Phone Number:
Non-Golfing Sponsorship List
I would like to set my Non-Golfing Sponsorship Level at:
Dinner Sponsor ($4,000)
Lunch Sponsor ($2,500)
Caddy/Scorecard Service ($2,000)
Refreshments Sponsor ($1,500)
Golf Cart/Range Ball Sponsor ($1,250)
Greens Keepers Sponsor ($1000)
Cocktail Sponsor ($3,000)
Tee Sign/Bag Service Sponsor ($500)
Cocktails and Dinner Only ($225)
I'd like to add another person!
Non-Golfing Sponsorship List (2nd Person)
I would like to set my Non-Golfing Sponsorship Level at (2nd Person):
Dinner Sponsor ($4,000)
Lunch Sponsor ($2,500)
Caddy Service/Scorecard ($2,000)
Refreshments Sponsor ($1,500)
Golf Cart/Rangeball Sponsor ($1,250)
Greens Keepers Sponsor ($1,000)
Cocktail Sponsor ($3,000)
Tee Sign/Bag Service Sponsor ($500)
Cocktails and Dinner Only ($225)
I'd like to add another person!
Second Non-Golfer's Name:
Second Non-Golfer's Email Address:
Second Non-Golfer's Phone Number:
Non-Golfing Sponsorship List (3rd Person)
I would like to set my Non-Golfing Sponsorship Level at (3rd Person):
Dinner Sponsor ($4,000)
Lunch Sponsor ($2,500)
Caddy Service/Scorecard ($2,000)
Refreshments Sponsor ($1,500)
Golf Cart/Rangeball Sponsor ($1,250)
Cocktail Sponsor ($3,000)
Greens Keeper Sponsor ($1,000)
Tee Sign/Bag Service Sponsor ($500)
Cocktails and Dinner Only ($225)
I'd like to add another person!
Third Non-Golfer's Name:
Third Non-Golfer's Email Address:
Third Non-Golfer's Phone Number:
Non-Golfing Sponsorship List (4th Person)
I would like to set my Non-Golfing Sponsorship Level at (4th Person):
Dinner Sponsor ($4,000)
Cocktail Sponsor ($3,000)
Lunch Sponsor ($2,500)
Caddy/Scorecard Service ($2,000)
Refreshments Sponsor ($1,500)
Golf Cart/Rangeball Sponsor ($1,250)
Greens Keepers Sponsor ($1,000)
Tee Sign/Bag Service Sponsor ($500)
Cocktail Receptions and Dinner ($225)
Fourth Non-Golfer's Name:
Fourth Non-Golfer's Email Address:
Fourth Non-Golfer's Phone Number:
Would you like to make an additional donation to Cleary Foundation?
How much would you like to donate?