Employee Information

Please complete the following form if you have a work related injury or exposure. A member of the benefits department will reach out within 24 business hours. Please note: additional forms and/or action might needed depending on the state in which the incident occured as well as the sevarity of the incident.

Accident/Injury Information

Did you miss any shifts outside of the shift when the incident occurred? *
Have you returned to work? *
Were there any witnesses to the incident? *

Employee Information

Do you need or plan to seek medical treatment? *
Will you be needing additional/follow up care? *

By signing this document, I attest that the information I have provided to be true to the best of my ability. I also recognize that filing a workers' compensation claim is not a guarantee of benefits being approved. While Health Carousel will assist you as much as possible during this process, any decisions about approved medical and/or indemnity is at the discretion of the carrier. *