Orientation Form
Welcome to Getting Ahead!
Our 1,600+ graduates will tell you this is the 1st step toward a life-changing future story!
Tell us a little about yourself...
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth (Ex. 04/01/2004) - Must be 19 or older.
Cell Phone Number
Primary Email Address ( We will use this to communicate with you)
By listing my cell phone information, I authorize Omaha Bridges to send SMS text messages using my cell phone number to provide information, remind me of upcoming appointments, or provide messages from the coaching staff. If I do not want to receive SMS text messages, I can unsubscribe by sending an email to with the subject line “STOP Text” or by calling an Omaha Bridges representative at (402) 884-9665. I understand standard text messaging rates and fees from my mobile carrier may apply.
Have you attended any Getting Ahead Classes with Omaha/Council Bluffs Bridges?
How many class sessions (outside of orientation) did you attend previously in Getting Ahead?
I am a graduate of Getting Ahead
SCHEDULE EARLY! ONLY 12 SEATS ARE AVAILABLE IN EACH CLASS! Select a date/time for a required orientation session: (Confirmation will be sent via email within two business days).
Tuesday, September 3, 6:15pm, (7815 Harney Street, Omaha, NE 68114) (0 remaining)
Tuesday, September 10, 6:15pm (7815 Harney Street, Omaha, NE 68114) (24 remaining)
The orientation session is 1 hour in length. Please arrive at the orientation early, as we will start on time.
Please confirm you understand that you are only signing up for orientation, this does not guarantee placement in a class. (By signing my full name I confirm the above statement)