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The deadline for submitting Bench register forms for consideration in the May 2025 election will be 10:00 on Thursday 6 February 2025.


By completing and submitting this form you are indicating that you would wish, at some time in the future, to be considered for election to the Bench of Lincoln’s Inn. 

The information provided will be considered by the Advisory (Benchers) Committee (A(B)C) when identifying candidates for election to the Bench.

Candidates’ suitability to become a Bencher will be assessed on the evidence provided on the form so all required sections should be completed, ensuring the information provided is clear and accurate. 

When completed this form may be read or referred to by benchers of the Society, members of the A(B)C and the Inn’s staff. This excludes the Diversity Monitoring form on the second page; this information will be treated as confidential and forms no part of the selection process.

Please read the Guidance for Applicants document before completing this form.

Personal and Contact Details

1 Date of Call
3 If called by another Inn, the date you joined Lincoln's Inn
4 Date of starting in practice/ legal employment
5 Date of taking silk (if applicable)
6 Circuit Memberships *
7 SBA Memberships *

8 Professional Address(es) and contact details

9 Description of current practice or employment

0/100 words

10 Legal career history

Judicial Appointments (full/ part-time)

Chambers/ Employment History

SBA/ Circuit/ Bar Council/ other legal appointments

11 Publications (if any)

12 Other relevant experience

0/250 words

13 Standing in the legal profession or another walk of life

0/250 words

14 Past contribution to the life and work of the Inn or of the legal profession

0/250 words

15 Ability and Willingness to do work for the Inn and take part in its governance

0/250 words

16 Given the Inn's commitment to diversity in all its fields of activity, including in the composition of the Bench, please indicate anything that you think your election as a Bencher would do to assist in this regard.

0/250 words

17 Character and Conduct (to be completed by all candidates)

17(a) Have you ever been subject to, or are now facing, any proceedings or are you aware of any circumstances which led or may to:

i.    A conviction or caution for a criminal offence (other than a minor road traffic offence)? You do not need to include convictions or cautions which are “spent” by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974) *
ii.      A finding of professional negligence? *
iii.     An adverse disciplinary finding (including a determination by consent)? *
iv.     An intervention by the Law Society, the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors or the Solicitors’ Complaints Bureau? *
v.       A complaint to the Office of Legal Complaints, Legal Ombudsman or equivalent body, which has been upheld? *
vi.     A bankruptcy order, debt relief order or an individual or partnership voluntary arrangement? *
vii.     A director’s disqualification order? *
viii.     A wasted costs order? *
ix.      Action to enforce or secure a judgment or order against you? *

17(b) Is there anything in your personal or professional background which (if brought into the public domain) could affect your suitability for election or might bring the legal profession or the Inn into disrepute?


18 Declaration

By ticking the box below, you confirm that:

(i)   the contents of this form are true;

(ii)     so far as you are aware, there are no matters, other than those set out in section 17 (above) which might adversely affect your suitability to become a Bencher

(iii)  you would, if elected a Bencher, be willing to take a full and active part in the governance and educational activities of the Inn; and

(iv)  you will promptly notify the Inn in writing if there are any matters which would cause you to change the answers in section 17 (above).

Upon receipt of this form, your name will be entered on the register of those willing to be considered for election as an Ordinary Bencher.
Your name will be removed from the register on the earlier of:
(a) your attaining the age of 70 or
(b) 31 December of the fifth year after this form was received by the Inn.
You may amend, update or withdraw this form at any time. 

Please click 'next' to fill out the Inn's Monitoring Form.

The information collected will be treated as confidential and will be used to compile statistical analyses and reports and will not be released to anyone in a way which might identify any individual. The data collected will not be used in any selection process and is kept only for monitoring purposes.