If you are taking advantage of the BOGO Half Off discount, please choose the "pay by check" option.
After the best registration deadline (December 20, 2023) the youth leader for each congregation will be emailed an updated registration summary with the BOGO rates included.
Registration Options (Main Rate) *
Full Weekend Registration includes:
Two nights, all sessions, all meals.
One Overnight Registration includes:
Friday overnight, Saturday sessions and meals.
Saturday Seminar Registration includes:
All Saturday sessions & 3 meals included. 
Gender *
Are you planning on taking advantage of the BOGO registration offer? *
If you are planning on taking advantage of the BOGO please select the pay by check for payment option during the payment portion of the registration. 
As a registrant for the full weekend, I am adding the optional Thursday night to Friday stay for an additional $60. *
Name and Email of who should receive the registration summary for your congregation.