Fall 2024 HBCU/MSI Chesapeake Bay Conference Interest Form

This interest form will be used to assemble a list of students who are interested in two Chesapeake Bay-focused conferences, which will be hosted in October 2024 by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. It is only intended for students and faculty members at Minority Serving Institutions and Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Maryland and Washington, DC.
Please note that these opportunities will require a separate application form and submitting this form is not required in order to apply. Once the applications open, we will reach out to those who submitted this form to provide additional information and the link to apply. 
Please read all the information below before completing the form. Reach out to Emma Gregory, Capacity Building Projects Manager at the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, via email at egregory@allianceforthebay.org if you have any questions or concerns. 

About the Opportunities

HBCU/MSI Chesapeake Bay Summit
The HBCU/MSI Chesapeake Bay Summit is a 2-day event which brings together students and faculty members from HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) and MSIs (Minority Service Institutions) in Washington, DC and Maryland to discuss issues related to the Chesapeake Bay. It is free and open to any current HBCU/MSI students, regardless of major or degree program.
Day 2 will incorporate outdoor activities, however attendees do not need to have any previous outdoor experience in order to participate.
The goals of this student-centered event are to:
1. Foster connections between students and faculty at HBCUs in the watershed
2. Build the capacity of students to pursue environmental careers and address environmental challenges in their communities
3. Highlight environmental initiatives on HBCU campuses in the watershed.
The Summit will be hosted September 7th & 8th at NorthBay in North East, MD. You can learn more about the event here: https://www.allianceforthebay.org/event/hbcu-msi-chesapeake-bay-summit/

Chesapeake Watershed Forum
The Chesapeake Watershed Forum, held at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV, is a 3-day watershed-wide event reaching over 400 restoration and environmental protection practitioners, designed to inspire and empower local action towards clean water. This event incorporates some hands on activities, but does not necessarily include outdoor recreation as a component of the agenda.
Forum has a broader focus than the Summit and is more focused on professionals working in the field, although students would also benefit from the event. While the Forum is not free, scholarships are available
Each year, this event:
1. Shares successful conservation tools and techniques
2. Offers lessons and learnings from on-the-ground work
3. Fosters networking and partnership-building, and
4. Celebrates conservation successes.
It will be hosted October 18 - 20, 2024. Additional information can be found here: https://www.allianceforthebay.org/event/chesapeake-watershed-forum/

General Information

Which of the following describes your university affiliation? *
Which university are you affiliated with? *
Please select which of these opportunities you're interested in (select both, if appropriate) *
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