Unfortunately, Inhouse school records date back to birth year 1972. If you were born in / or before 1971 you will need to contact our District Record Management Dept. @ 305-995-3289 to complete your request.

STOP Here if you were born in or before 1971….
All Transcript Requests:  Requestor must include a copy of a valid photo I.D. for processing (please upload) If you are requesting a Hard Copy you will first need to send a $5.00 money order to 13110 NE 8 th  Ave North Miami Fl. 33161 Attention: School Treasurer. $5.00 Per Transcript

Grade *
Email copy Free (Keep in mind that is way is not Official)
$5.00 Per Transcript. Send money order to 13110 NE 8th Ave North Miami Fl. 33161  -  Attention: School Treasurer.
Once we receive fee, we will process the request.
Official Transcript ( Hard Copies ) *
Official Unofficial Transcript ( 1 Open Copy Only ) *
* Indicates required field.