Terms of Service and Privacy Statement

Customer Service Portal
Each customer as part of the company's service offering will be assigned a unique login and password to access their online account. The customer service portal allows a customer to view invoice payments, and past customer service tickets which were created by either the customer or the company's support staff.  In addition, the customer can create a new customer service ticket on the online portal. 
Customer Service and Tech Procedures
Customer agrees that for customer service requests, such as, but not limited to, inquiry on an invoice, change of a service address, change of phone number or email address, or change of a speed tier, the customer will create a ticket in the company's online service portal. If the customer makes a customer service request by email, text or by leaving a voicemail, its up to the company's discretion to honor the request and may ask the customer to create a ticket in the customer's online account. 
For tech support issues, such as a service outage or a service impairment, the customer agrees to first try and access their online account and create a ticket. If not able to access their online account the customer agrees to text the company's tech support number. The customer may also send an email to the company's tech support email address, but customer understands that online tickets are given first priority, text messages second priority and emails third priority in the tech support queue. 
In the process of determining an issue with a customer's connection, the company may ask for the customer to send a photo of the router and power brick connections and to verify power lights on the radio equipment mounted outside. 
Credit Card Payments
The customer is responsible for setting up either a one-time or recurring credit card payment. No representative of the company will ask for any credit card information from the customer nor should the customer ever send their credit card information to the company via text, email, letter, or voicemail. The customer is also responsible for discontinuing or changing a recurring credit card payment. 
Third Party Routers and other Devices
The company doesn't provide technical support for third party routers and other devices, such as, but not limited to, smart TVs, wireless printers, cell phones, gaming stations, door bells, cameras, thermostats, or WiFi extenders.
Company provided Router
The company only provides tech support for routers sold by the company to the customer. However, if the customer hits the "reset" button on a company provided router without getting permission from the company, the customers is subject to a $100 programming fee to restore customer's service. Customer understands power cycling a power brick by unplugging from the electrical outlet and plugging back into the electrical outlet is not a "reset" of the router. A "reset" is when the customer sticks a small object into the "reset" area of the router.
The company doesn't guarantee that the company provided router will provide WiFi coverage for the whole area of the customer's home or business. 
Speedtest Procedures
Customer agrees that any speedtest to confirm their Internet speed are to be conducted while directly connected via Ethernet to their router. Customer acknowleges that the company doesn't guarantee speeds through to a third-party suppled router and to perform a speedtest they will need to directly connect via Ethernet to the company's demarcation box which requires customer to input IP address information into their computer or laptop. Below is the speedtest form the customer agrees to use to send the results of the test to the company. 
Speedtest Form
Data Collection
The company collects information only for billing purposes and to identiy the location where the service is active. The company does not store credit card information as that is handled by our credit card processor. When you make a payment via the company's web portal you are redirected to the credit card processors website even though it looks like you are making a payment on the company's system. 
The company does not store or sell any statistics, website access data or any another data collected via your use of the Internet service.
FCC Mandated Fees, Taxes and Other related Fees. 
When applicable the customer agrees to pay any FCC mandated Fees, Taxes and related fees as part of the company providing service to the customer. If the company provides service through the use of the CBRS spectrum the related fees are $3.25. The customer will be given notice of this fee as part of the sign up process. If the FCC or other governmental agency mandates any taxes or fees during the duration of the contract term these fees will be passed on to the customer. 
No Proration of Service
All services that are billed monthly unless otherwise stated and there will be no proration of service. 
Notification for Change of Rate Plan
If a seasonal rate plan customer would like to change their rate plan to a seasonal rate they may do so by giving the company notice a month prior to the customer meeting the minimum requirement. If an invoice has already been generated for a month and then the customer gives notice then the reduced rate will start to apply the next invoicing period. 
Contract Term
The term of service is 30 months from the date of installation of service. If customer would like to cancel service at the end of the term the customer needs to inform company of such election 3 months before the end of the term or otherwise the contact will extend for one year after the expiring term.  
Contract Cancellation
If customer cancels service before the end of the term all future months left on the contract are due and owning. 
Notice of service cancellation 
Notice of service cancellation is to be given to the company by creating a ticket in the customer service portal. 
Contract Start Date
Contract terms starts on the day the service is installed.
Cancellation Due to Chronic Service Issues
If the company cannot repair a chronic service problem, customer may cancel service after thirty days. If a normal travel route is closed due to a road closure the thirty day period will be extended until normal travel route is open. 
Venue for Disputes
Customer agrees that any dispute arrising from this agreement will be adjudicated in the county that the service is provided by the company. If customer fails to pay any outstanding obligations to the company, the company may file a court action against the csutomer. If a legal action is commenced, the customer agrees that service of process can be served by posting and leaving a copy of the legal documents at the front door of the location receiving the company's service. If customer doesn't respond in a timely manner as outlined in the court's legal proceedings, the company may exercise the right to put a lien for the amount due plus court filing fees on the property receiving the servce. 
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