The story of your child's creation.
Teacher Recommendation
A student in your class has applied for admission to Columbus Jewish Day School.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this confidential evaluation. The Admissions Committee appreciates your observations, your voice and your professional partnership in this process.

If you have any questions, please call or email Jenny Glick, Director of Enrollment Management at (614) 939-5311 or admissions@cjds.org
This information will be used for admissions purposes only and will not become part of the child’s permanent record.

Teacher Information


Student Information

Please mark all that most consistently describe this child: *
0/1000 words

Social/Emotional Development

Please check the box that best applies in each category. *
 Exceeds ExpectationsAge-AppropriateNeeds DevelopmentPossible Area of Concern
Shares well
Engages in imaginative play
Demonstrates Curiosity
Cooperates w/Teachers
Cooperates w/Peers
Works/Plays well Independently
Accepts Limits/Routines
Makes transitions appropriately
Separates easily from parents/ guardians
Accepts adults’ directions/ redirections
Ends a chosen activity when directed by an adult
Has potential to lead
Has the capacity to follow
Participates willingly in clean up
Respects the rights / property of others
Shows concern toward peers
Stands up for self
Uses words to resolve conflicts
Uses materials purposefully
0/1000 words

Skill Development

Please check the box that best applies in each category. *
 Exceeds ExpectationsAge-AppropriateNeeds DevelopmentPossible Area of Concern
Is attentive
Is able to focus on one task
Is a self-starter
Completes tasks independently
Follows 2-step directions
Expresses ideas well
Recognizes letters
Recognizes sound/ symbol relationships
Moves easily from one task to another
Attends to adult-directed activity
Understands give and take of group discussion
Demonstrates problem solving
Easily grasps new concepts

Physical Development

Please check the box that best applies in each category. *
 Exceeds ExpectationsAge-AppropriateNeeds DevelopmentPossible Area of Concern
Exhibit self- help skills (i.e. hand washing, toileting)
Easily tolerates stimuli (i.e. loud sounds, textures)
Demonstrate awareness of personal space
Able to maintain sitting position during circle time
Balance and coordination

Speech and Language Development

Please check the box that best applies in each category. *
 Exceeds ExpectationsAge-AppropriateNeeds DevelopmentPossible Area of Concern
Expresses self using words and expanded sentences
Asks questions
Answers questions
Enjoys and values reading or being read to
Comprehends and interprets meaning from books
Understands and follows oral directions
Able to communicate ideas, feelings and needs
Speech is easily understood

Please comment on each of the following

0/1000 words
0/1000 words
0/1000 words

Thank You

If you have any questions, please call or email Jenny Glick, Director of Admissions at (614) 939-5311 or admissions@cjds.org.
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