What would you like to do today?
Update the Credit Card being used for my Scheduled Payment(s)
Authorize a One Time Payment
First Name
Last Name
Email address
Confirmation Number
Can't locate your confirmation number?
Click here
to log into our reservation system.
> Your Account
> Your Reservations
> Click on the Reservation Number of the cruise you'd like to make a payment
> Under Reservation Summary you'll see your Celebrity Confirmation number
Payment Date
Payment Amount
Name on Card
Credit Card Type
American Express
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date (mmyy)
Zip/Postal Code
Security Code
If you have any future scheduled payments, check this box if you would like to change all Future Scheduled Payments, for the above booking, to this credit card.
Yes - Please update all future scheduled payments to this card.
I authorize John Heath Travel to process the specified payment using the credit card provided. I acknowledge that if this payment pertains to a deposit made under a non-refundable policy, the additional amount will also be non-refundable.
I authorize John Heath Travel to charge the requested payment, and future scheduled payments, to the credit card provided. I understand that I can change the credit card being used for scheduled payments, by submitting a payment authorization, on this same form, at least three days prior to the scheduled payment date.
I authorize John Heath Travel to charge my scheduled payments to the credit card provided. I understand that I can change the credit card being used for scheduled payments, by submitting a payment authorization, on this same form, at least three days prior to the scheduled payment date.