Kohelet High Holydays Registration
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
One person $140
Two people $260
More than two $300
One person $170
Two people $320
More than two $400
Childcare at $40 per child - how many children?
One Child ($40)
Two Children ($80)
Three Children ($120)
Four Children ($160
Five Children ($200)
Six Children ($240)
Ages of children - please list
It is traditional to make a donation at this time of year in memory or in honor of family and friends. Not necessary, just traditional, and Kohelet is grateful for your participation at any level.
Optional Additional Donation
Is your donation in memory or in honor of someone(s)?
Yes, in memory
Yes, in honor of
No, just a donation to Kohelet!
Click to Calculate Your Total:
Name(s) of person/people in whose memory you are donating?
Name(s) of person/people in whose honor you are donating?
Is there someone you'd like us to notify of your donation in memory/in honor (we will not include amounts)?
If so, please list their name(s) and contact info here.
May we recognize your donation (without mentioning dollar amount) in the Kohelet Newsletter?
Yes, please do.
No thanks.