Michigan Department of Education 2023-24 Report for Reduction of Hours/Days Waiver for Innovative Programs

The purpose of this report is to gather information on programs that utilized the Alternative Education and Innovative Programs (Hours and Days) Waivers. These waivers were approved on a site-by-site basis. Therefore, if a district operated multiple sites under the waiver for 2023-2024, a report must be completed for each site.

If you are unsure of your 5-digit district or building code, please check in the Education Entity Master (EEM).  Reports with incorrect or incomplete codes may be returned for modifications.  

Questions regarding this form should be directed to Steve NemeckayThe deadline to submit this reporting form is Friday, June 14, 2024.

Upon submission of this form, a confirmation will be sent to the contact e-mail below.

Contact Information

District/Program Information

Innovative Programs

Student Engagement and Achievement

Time not Reported as Instructional Time