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Michigan Department of Education 2024-2025 Application for Reduction of Hours/Days Waiver for Innovative Programs


Applications that do not fully consider all rubric items will require modifications.


The State School Aid Act, Section 101(9) [MCL 388.1701] states: Upon application by the district for a particular fiscal year, the superintendent shall waive for a district the minimum number of hours and days of pupil instruction requirement of subsection (3) for a department-approved alternative education program or another innovative program approved by the department, including a 4-day school week. If a district applies for and receives a waiver under this subsection and complies with the terms of the waiver, the district is not subject to forfeiture under this section for the specific program covered by the waiver. If the district does not comply with the terms of the waiver, the amount of the forfeiture shall be calculated based upon a comparison of the number of hours and days of pupil instruction actually provided to the minimum number of hours and days of pupil instruction required under subsection (3).

If you are unsure of your 5-digit district or building code, please check in the Education Entity Master (EEM).  Applications with incorrect or incomplete codes may be returned for modifications.  If the application is approved, an approval will be e-mailed to the contact person and the lead administrator in the EEM in approximately 2-3 weeks.  Processing may take longer during times when a high volume of applications are received.

Questions regarding this form should be directed to Steve Nemeckay.  Applications for this waiver are due by Friday, June 14, 2024.

Upon submission of this form, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the contact e-mail below.

Contact Information

District/Program Information

Reduction of Hours and/or Days Request

Is this waiver being requested to support a 4-day school week for the entire school year? *

What are you currently doing?

How will you measure the effectiveness of the waiver?

2024-2025 School Calendar

Data Upload

Please verify that your district and building codes in the second section are correct. Incorrect codes will delay the waiver approval process.

Assurance and Certification

By completing this application and participating in the Waiver of Minimum Number of Hours and Days of Pupil Instruction for Innovative Education Programs, you agree to participate in follow-up reporting requirements.  The report will be posted on the MDE Alternative Education website in the spring of 2024.

It is assured that the Alternative Education Program or other innovative program approved by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) will operate for at least the amount of hours and/or days requested above.

Assurance *
Signature of Authorized Official *