ELECT-633 Voting Systems L&A Testing Certification

Before You Start
This survey replaces the paper version of ELECT-633/SBE-633. Please do not mail, fax, or email these forms to the Department as they will not be accepted.
The survey cannot be saved; once you start, if you time out or close before submitting, you will have to start over.
Note: While following Va. Code §§ 24.2-632 and 24.2-633, localities should keep records of their Logic and Accuracy (L&A) testing, to include, checklists, steps, and procedures. For L&A, localities should use best practices, like EAC’s L&A practices, published here.  Example L&A checklists for voting system and EPB can also be found in the ESEC 101 (Voting Systems Security Standards) training, provided by ELECT, found here.

General Information


Locality Representative

Position *


This L&A testing certification applies to: *
I, the undersigned, certify to the Department of Elections that:
  • I personally witnessed the final testing of the voting equipment (i.e. optical/digital scanners, ADA/BMD devices and Ballot on Demand (BOD) systems, where applicable) used in each precinct;
  • The equipment was properly programmed for this election; and
  • The testing and programming was conducted as required by Va. Code §§ 24.2-632 and 24.2-633.
Use your mouse to sign in the box below:
Signature *
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