Stand by Your Ad Complaint Form


Section 24.2-955.3 of the Code of Virginia provides that the "State Board [of Elections], in a public hearing, shall determine whether to find a violation... and to assess a civil penalty."
For a Stand by Your Ad complaint to be valid, the complainant must be clearly identified. Your name and the information you provide regarding the alleged violation will be provided to the appropriate campaign committee and be included in a memorandum to the State Board. You will be notified of the status of the complaint and any hearing that is scheduled.
Records of alleged Stand by Your Ad violations are available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act.

Your contact information

Please provide your contact information below:

Please provide a valid email address below.
All correspondence regarding complaints is conducted exclusively via email.

Complaint Information

Please provide information about your complaint below:
( e.g., "Friends of Jane Doe")
Type of election or nominating event to which the complaint relates
Date of election or nominating event to which the complaint relates
Locality where the suspected violation occurred
Type of media in which suspected violation occurred
Date the suspected violation occurred or was observed


Complainants are required to provide some kind of evidence supporting the complaint. Upload a file containing evidence of the complaint:

Upload evidence supporting your complaint

Submit your complaint