Abstract of Votes Submission


After your Electoral Board has certified the election, use this form to submit to ELECT an electronic copy of your:
1. completed abstracts
2. write-ins certifications (if required)
3. voided ballots
4. explanation documents (if required)
5. supporting documents (if required)
This form includes several questions you must answer. Several items that were previously in the Election Results Certification Checklist have been moved to this form. The checklist is now to be completed after ELECT has confirmed acceptance of the data entered in Enhanced Results and documents submitted via this form. The checklist must be completed and mailed to ELECT with your original accepted Abstracts. 
You will receive a submission confirmation email. You will receive another email when a staff member begins their review. Once ELECT has reviewed your submission you will receive a final email confirming acceptence or notifying you of any issues that must be corrected. Once corrected please submit a copy of the corrected abstract(s) and/or write-ins certification(s) via a new formsite form.
Do NOT mail your original abstracts, write-ins certifications, and certification checklist until after ELECT has confirmed acceptance of the data entered in Enhanced Results and documents submitted via this form.
Should you have any questions please contact your ERS Liaison. 

Contact Information

Locality and Election


About the documents...

1) Make sure you have entered all results, turnout, and statistics in Enhanced Results before submitting your Abstracts.
2) Be sure to include:
       a) Abstracts of Votes
       b) Any Write-Ins Certifications required under Va. Code § 24.2-675
       c) Void Ballots (please try to put all in one pdf document)
       d) If there are validation errors/discrepancies or anything happened that requires an
           explanation, attach explanation/supporting documents to help ELECT understand the
           results you are submitting and data entered in Enhanced Results.
3) You may include multiple abstracts/write-ins certifications in one document or separately. If you had dual primaries, you may submit for both primaries in the same formsite form. 
Is this the first/original submission for this election? Or are you submitting revisions?
Original or revisions? *
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