New Student Financial Aid Information Form - Undergraduate Student

  Section A: General Information
  Demographic Information


Are you 18 years of age or older? *

  Enrollment Information

When do you plan on attending? *

What is your anticipated enrollment status? *

Are you expecting veteran’s educational benefits? *

Are you a current Humphreys University employee or the dependent of a Humphreys University employee who is eligible for the Humphreys University Tuition Waiver? *

Are you a current full-time employee of ABLE Charter High School or ABLE Charter Elementary? *
Are you interested in being considered for federal work-study employment? *

Your housing plan determines your cost of attendance, which is the basis for awarding financial aid (grants, scholarships, and loans). 

  • With parent(s)/relatives: Generally, your parents/relatives are responsible for covering your housing costs. You are not required to pay rent or living expenses.
  • Off-campus: You are responsible for housing costs, such as rent, food, transportation, and personal expenses.

Your housing plan determines your cost of attendance, which is the basis for awarding financial aid (grants, scholarships, and loans). 

  • With parent(s)/relatives: Generally, your parents/relatives are responsible for covering your housing costs. You are not required to pay rent or living expenses.
  • Off-campus: You are responsible for housing costs, such as rent, food, transportation, and personal expenses.

What is your high school completion status? *

  Academic History
Previous Colleges or Universities Attended:
(Beginning with the most recent, list all colleges/universities and technical/vocational schools previously attended.)
 University/CollegeYear Attended

Do you have an Associate Degree? *

Do you have a Bachelor's Degree? *

Do you have a professional/Masters/Doctorate degree?

Will you be transferring units/credits? *
Financial Aid New Student Information Form - Undergraduate | Humphreys University