| Very Satisfied | Satisfied | Dissatisfied | Very Dissatisfied | Not Applicable |
Your overall experience at Humphreys University |
The value of your Humphreys education related to cost |
The quality of your interactions with Humphreys instructors |
The quality of your interactions with Humphreys staff |
The quality of your interactions with other Humphreys students |
The number of on-campus social activities |
The quality of the buildings, classrooms, equipment on campus |
Quality of teaching in courses for your major |
Faculty concern for your career development |
Availability of courses in your major |
Quality of academic advising |
The degree to which your HU education prepared you for a career |
The order in which you took your courses so that you took them in a sequence that built on prior learning |
Quality of teaching in general education courses (English, History, Math, Science, Literature, etc.) |
The quality of your learning related to technology (software, internet, etc.) |
Your ability to present information clearly using oral, written, and other forms of communication with consideration of different audiences |
Your ability to acquire, analyze, interpret, and evaluate information from a variety of sources and incorporate it into original work |
Your competency in the theories, applications, and practices appropriate to field of study |
Your ability to evaluate the importance and impact of cultural values and beliefs and engage with others from other cultures |
Your ability to organize, interpret, and assess information; and assign meaning to facts to evaluate problems, generate well-supported conclusions, and apply learning to problems and issues |