Humphreys University welcomes students with disabilities and is fully committed to complying with the laws regarding equal opportunity for all qualified students with disabilities and promoting the full participation of all qualified students in all aspects of campus life.

All students are expected to meet the academic standards as developed by the faculty. It is only through a student’s voluntary disclosure of a documented disability or injury and a request for accommodation that Humphreys can support the student’s needs.

Once you complete this fillable form, your dean will contact you to discuss which accommodations or modifications would be most effective to help you achieve academic success. A team will develop and arrange accommodation or modification.  You will be notified through your student email of approved accommodation or modification.


Humphreys University welcomes students with disabilities and is fully committed to complying with the laws regarding equal opportunity for all qualified students with disabilities and promoting the full participation of all qualified students in all aspects of campus life.

All students are expected to meet the academic standards as developed by the faculty. It is only through a student’s voluntary disclosure of a documented disability or injury and a request for accommodation that Humphreys can support the student’s needs.

Once you complete this fillable form, your dean will contact you to discuss which accommodations or modifications would be most effective to help you achieve academic success. A team will develop and arrange accommodation or modification.  You will be notified through your student email of approved accommodation or modification.


Please read and initial the following information taken directly from the Humphreys University Academic Catalog.

I acknowledge that the information above is accurate and complete.

Student Signature *