AVTA Sponsorship

Arkansas Veterinary Technician Association
PO Box 1038
Morrilton, AR. 72110

Arkansas Veterinary Technician Association (AVTA) is a non- profit organization that focuses on the growth of veterinary nurses in the state of Arkansas. We are currently standing at over 150 members and are continuing to grow. We come to you seeking a secure funding to help support us in our journey. Which includes more CE meetings (Winter Meeting), Member meetings (Vet Tech Week), and our Scholarship program which is our proudest accomplishment. Our scholarship program helps pay for an education of a future Veterinary Nurse.
Our future goals consist of:
• currently working on setting up committees across Arkansas to establish a better connection with our members.
• become more involved in our community. (Shelters, Disaster relief work)
• Get more involvement from our members.
• Also seeking more was to help our future nurses
Please consider becoming a supporting contribution to our organization. We have 3 levels to offer you below:
□ Gold Level $500 Sponsorship Sponsorships include your logo at our conference meeting room, logo at our exhibit hall booth, logo in our meeting proceedings, inclusion in our quarterly newsletters, logo on our webpage, and the announcement of your sponsorship at our meetings. As a Gold level sponsor, you are permitted to include a promotional item or brochure that will be given to each attendee at registration.
□ Silver Level $250 Sponsorship Sponsorships include your logo at our conference meeting room, logo at our exhibit hall booth, logo in our meeting proceedings, inclusion in our quarterly newsletters, logo on our webpage, and the announcement of your sponsorship at our meetings.
□ Bronze Level $150 Sponsorship includes your logo at our conference meeting room, logo at our exhibit hall booth, and the announcement of your sponsorship at our meetings.

If paying by check:
Please make all checks payable to AVTA.
Mail to:
PO Box 1038
Morrilton, AR. 72110

Please Include your Business or Name, and a copy of your Logo you want displayed. 
Please let us know if you need a receipt for tax purposes.
Thanks again for helping us grow and build in this developing field.
Please consider becoming a supporting contribution to our organization. *
Do you need a receipt for tax deduction? *
Contact me with association information and announcements *